The best hamburger that captivates taste and nutrition. WHOIS BUGER

Why is WHOIS BUGER delicious?

Here are three special secrets of taste.

01Best Food Ingredients

  • Sour, plain, soft bread

  • High quality, thick patties.

  • Fresh, pollution-free organic

  • Fresh and crunchy fruit

02Cook's Secret

  • WHOIS BUGER's bread uses rice bread. Bread made of rice is sweet and deep in the bread itself, and there is no gluten, so even those who are allergic to gluten can eat it.

    The desire to make everyone eat delicious hamburgers made WHOIS BUGER special.

  • WHOIS BUGER bakes patties in the oven.Bake patties slowly in the oven for a long time. The oven-baked patties have a soft, deep flavor.

    It doesn't burn or soot like when baked directly, and it's not greasy because it's not fried. This is WHOIS BUGER who cares about taste and health.

03Various sauces

WHOIS BUGER can be eaten from a variety of sauces.
Each burger's recommended source displays the most convenient source for you to eat,
and you can choose different sources depending on your preference.

  • Teriyaki

  • Hot Chili

  • Onion

  • Mustard